Cara install dan setup PostgreSQL di RHEL 8 / Centos 7
Bagaimana cara menginstal manajemen basis data PostgreSQL di RHEL 8 atau Centos 7 menggunakan perintah? Bagaimana cara menginstal dan mengatur PostgreSQL di RHEL 8 server?
Pendahuluan: PostgreSQL adalah gratis dan open dari ORDBMS (sistem manajemen database objek-relasional). Ini adalah basis data sumber terbuka paling canggih di dunia. Halaman ini menunjukkan cara menginstal PostgreSQL di RHEL 8 dan mengkonfigurasi nya dari server database.
Daftar Isi
Cara install dan setup PostgreSQL di RHEL 8 / Centos 7
- Buka terminal Window
- Temukan version dari PostgreSQL yang kamu mau untuk di install:
sudo yum module list | grep postgresql - Install the default, PostgreSQL version 10 on RHEL 8:
sudo yum install @postgresql - Selanjtunya initialisasi PostgreSQL database baru di RHEL 8:
sudo postgresql-setup --initdb
Mari kita lihat semua command.
Cara melihat semua list PostgreSQL application streams
Jalankan perintah yum
$ sudo yum module list | grep postgresql
Cara install dan menggunakan PostgreSQL di RHEL 8
In the previous step, we saw that RHEL 8 shipped with two Applications streams for PostgreSQL server. To install PostgreSQL 9.6, run:
$ sudo yum install @postgresql:9.6
The default is PostgreSQL 10, so running the following yum command installs the latest stable version:
$ sudo yum install @postgresql
Cara untuk initialisasi PostgreSQL database baru
The first action you perform after PostgreSQL server installation is to run the following command:
$ sudo postgresql-setup --initdb
Cara setup password untuk postgres account
Jalankan perintah passwd untuk setup password:
$ sudo passwd postgres
Contoh output:
Changing password for user postgres. New password: Retype new password: passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.
Cara menjalankan/stop/restart PostgreSQL server
You need to use the systemctl command:
sudo systemctl start postgresql ## <-- start the server ##
sudo systemctl stop postgresql ## <-- stop the server ##
sudo systemctl restart postgresql ## <-- resstart the server ##
sudo systemctl status postgresql ## <-- get status of the server ##
How to enable the PostgreSQL server at boot time on RHEL 8
Again use the systemctl command as follows:
$ sudo systemctl enable postgresql
How do I log in using psql?
You need to use the psql command. It is a terminal-based front-end to PostgreSQL server. It enables you to type in queries interactively. The installation script created a user named postgres. That is the default account for default database and roles. Let us log in as postgres using the sudo command:
$ sudo -i -u postgres
Run it:
$ psql
At postgres=# prompt type \q to quit from the command-line interface to PostgreSQL server. Did you notice you logged into PostgreSQL without any password? Let us fix this by creating HBA config:
$ sudo vi /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf
Find lines that read as follows:
# IPv4 local connections: host all all ident # IPv6 local connections: host all all ::1/128 ident |
Replace ident with scram-sha-256:
# IPv4 local connections: host all all scram-sha-256 # IPv6 local connections: host all all ::1/128 scram-sha-256 |
Restart the postgresql server:
$ sudo systemctl restart postgresql
How to create a new PostgreSQL user account
First create a Linux user account named tom:
$ sudo useradd tom
$ sudo passwd tom
Sample outputs:
Changing password for user tom. New password: Retype new password: passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.
The postgres account is nothing but an administrative user for PostgreSQL server. So log in as postgres:
$ sudo -i -u postgres
Run the following createuser command to creates a new PostgreSQL role for tom Linux user:
$ createuser --interactive
Create a new user account with password for new role:
$ createuser --interactive --pwprompt
Finally create a new database named jerry for tom user by log in as postgres admin user:
$ sudo -i -u postgres
$ createdb -O tom jerry
How do I connect to jerry database with tom user?
Simply run the following commands:
$ sudo -i -u tom
$ psql -d jerry -U tom
How to create a new table
Log in:
$ psql -d jerry -U tom
Type the following SQL to create demo table:
See info about the demo table:
Let us add some data to our table, run the following SQL:
INSERT INTO demo (id, email, name) VALUES (1, '', 'Vivek Gite'); INSERT INTO demo (id, email, name) VALUES (2, '', 'Foo Bar'); INSERT INTO demo (id, email, name) VALUES (3, '', 'Roja T'); INSERT INTO demo (id, email, name) VALUES (4, '', 'Marlena John');
View data:
Delete some data:
DELETE FROM demo WHERE id = 4;
Update data:
UPDATE demo SET email = '' WHERE id = 2;
Selamat. Anda berhasil mengatur server PostgreSQL di server RHEL 8. Anda juga belajar cara membuat pengguna, database, dan tabel. Untuk info lebih lanjut, lihat dokumentasi PostgreSQL resmi here.
Di tulis oleh: admin